What's covered in the Year 7 NAPLAN Skills Revision module?
- Add and subtract large numbers mentally
- Order decimals
- Calculate square numbers and square roots
- Calculate cube numbers
- Recognise number patterns and relationships
- Learn about common fractions
- Use number machines
- Find the term to term rule
- Find a fraction of an amount – simple examples
- Change fractions into percentages and decimals
- Find a fraction of an amount: standard examples
- Use quick methods for multiplication
- Multiply and divide mentally
- Multiply and divide decimals by 10, 100, 1 000
- Plot and interpret real-life straight line graphs
- Divide by decimals
- Identify equivalent fractions
- Solve problems with ratios
- Use parentheses
- Function Machines: squares and cubes - Bubble Function
- Add and subtract large numbers mentally
- Use ratio and proportion (drawings and models)
- Work with money
- Use negative numbers
- Extending the number line - Piñata Fever
- Find percentages – calculator
- Calculate percentage discounts
- Solve word problems
- Use 𝑛th term to generate linear sequences
- Describe patterns and linear rules
- Learn about prime factors
- Calculate best buys
- Multiply with fractions
- Identify types of angle
- Draw and recognise nets
- Calculate the perimeter of complex shapes
- Enlarge on a grid
- Convert between units of time
- Measure time
- Measure angles
- Describe 3D shapes
- Identify and draw lines of symmetry
- Use compass directions
- Convert metric units of capacity
- Draw elevated drawings
- Calculate angles around a point
- Solve problems of length, area, and volume scale factors
- Use and convert metric units
- Recognise a prism
- Learn about position and direction
- Recognise perpendicular and parallel lines
- Identify types of angle
- Calculate with length
- Use the digital clock
- Record and compare seconds, minutes and hours
- Calculate with capacity
- Convert metric units of weight
- Calculate the perimeter of complex shapes
- Recognise a prism
- Recognise and calculate opposite angles
- Recognise and calculate corresponding angles
- Understand alternate angles
- Find the area of a rectangle
- Use compass directions
- Construct and interpret frequency tables
- Use frequency tables
- Use bar charts
- Design data collection sheets
- Understand the likelihood of events
- List possible outcomes from a single event
- Find the mean
- Interpret raw data