Bronze, Silver, & Gold Medals
Students earn medals that correspond to their level of understanding for a specific learning objective instead of a letter grade or numerical score.
No Medal Yet
- Approaching Learning Objective
- Most students earn a medal after 3 attempts
- Student receives scaffolding challenge in their Recommended list after 3rd unsuccessful attempt
Bronze Medal - Learning Objective Met (Proficient)
- Student answered most of the Hard level questions correctly in a Prodigi
- Student answered most of the questions correctly in a game
- Encourage students to try to earn a high medal

Silver Medal - Learning Objective Exceeded (Advanced)
- Student answered most of the Extreme level questions correctly in a Prodigi
- Student answered most of the hardest questions correctly in a game
- Encourage students to try to earn a gold medal
Gold Medal - Learning Objective Far Exceeded (Exceptional)
- Student answered all of the Extreme level questions correctly in a Prodigi
- Student answered all of the hardest questions correctly in a game
- Student receives extension/stretch challenge in their Recommended list