What's covered in the Year 5 NAPLAN Skills Revision module?
- Add and subtract large numbers mentally
- Recognise place value: hundreds, tens and units
- Relate addition to multiplication
- Divide
- Use fractions
- Work with money
- Divide by 5
- Identify equivalent fractions
- Find a fraction of an amount – simple examples
- Find a fraction of an amount: standard examples
- Round decimals that have up to three decimal places
- Multiply and divide whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000
- Solve addition and subtraction problems
- Add and subtract simple decimals
- Add and subtract decimals
- Solve word problems
- Identify lines of symmetry
- Sort and describe shapes
- Learn about position and direction
- Work with calendars and dates
- Investigate faces, edges and vertices in 3D shapes
- Calculate with capacity
- Draw and recognise nets
- Calculate the area of complex shapes by counting squares
- Identify and draw lines of symmetry
- Calculate the perimeter of complex shapes
- Use timetables and charts
- Convert metric units of length
- Draw shapes and patterns on a grid
- Learn about more properties of 2D shapes
- Do calculations using the area of a rectangle
- Enlarge on a grid
- Use Venn and Carroll Diagrams
- List possible outcomes from a single event
- Construct and interpret frequency tables
- Interpret pie charts