Mathematics Lessons by our Lead Teacher
Our very own Schools Director and Lead Teacher, Chris Green, taught mathematics for over 15 years. Chris delivered live lessons on Mangahigh's YouTube Channel to model best practices in delivering a blended learning lesson, using Mangahigh.
Each lesson consists of these elements:
- An introduction of the mathematics topic
- Examples on how to solve the mathematics problem
- Practicing easy and medium questions on a Mangahigh activity together
- Individual work: allowing students to practise hard questions on a Mangahigh activity
- Summary

Feel free to preview these lessons for inspiration, or share these lesson recordings with your students. Make sure your students are logged in to Mangahigh beforehand and have a pencil and paper ready for Chris' mathematics classes!
Number and Algebra
- Counting in 6s and 7s
- Order of Operations using Brackets
- Dividing - age 7 to 9
- Fractions - age 7 to 9
- Number and Place Value - age 7 to 9
- Number and Place Value - age 9 to 11
- Decimals - age 9 to 11
- Factors, Multiples and Primes - age 9 to 11
- Percentages - age 11 to 13
- Order of Operations - age 11 to 13
- Negative Numbers - age 11 to 13
- Percentages - age 13 to 16
- Standard Form - age 13 to 16
- Powers, Indices, Exponents - age 13 to 16
Measurement and Geometry
- Properties of Shapes - age 7 to 9
- Angles - age 7 to 9
- Position and Direction - age 7 to 9
- Grams and kilograms - age 7 to 9
- Calculate with length - age 7 to 9
- Calculate with weight - age 7 to 9
- Calculate with Capacity - age 7 to 9
- Metric units of length - age 7 to 9
- Metric units of weight - age 7 to 9
- Convert units of capacity - age 9 to 11
- Minutes and Seconds - age 7 to 9
- Common metric units - age 9 to 11
- Properties of Shapes - age 9 to 11
- Record measurements - age 9 to 11
- Recognise that measurement is approximate - age 9 to 11
- Angles - age 9 to 11
- Rotation and Reflection - age 9 to 11
- Timetable and Charts - age 9 to 11
- Area - age 11 to 14
- Area of joined shapes - age 11 to 14
- Perimeter of complex shapes - age 11 to 14
- Angles - age 11 to 14
- Circles - age 11 to 14
- Speed, Distance and Time - age 11 to 14
- Volume by Counting Cubes - age 11 to 14
- Volume of a Cuboid - age 11 to 14
- Surface area of joined shapes - age 11 to 14
- Surface area of cubes and cuboids - age 11 to 13