Why Teachers Make Great Prompt Engineers: A Deep Dive

Updated by Michelle

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence and machine learning, prompt engineering has emerged as a critical skill. Prompt engineering involves crafting inputs to guide AI models like ChatGPT to produce desired outputs. Interestingly, the skills required for effective prompt engineering are strikingly similar to those that great teachers already possess. Let’s explore why teachers make exceptional prompt engineers, focusing on their communication skills and their ability to break down larger problems into manageable parts.

Communication Skills

Teachers are masters of communication. They know how to convey complex concepts in a clear, understandable manner, tailored to the diverse needs of their students. This ability to communicate effectively is crucial in prompt engineering, where the clarity and precision of prompts can significantly impact the quality of AI-generated responses.

In the classroom, teachers regularly:

  • Simplify Complex Concepts: Just as teachers break down intricate subjects into simpler ideas for their students, prompt engineers must deconstruct complex queries into clear, direct prompts for AI.
  • Tailor Communication: Teachers adapt their language and explanations based on the student’s level of understanding. Similarly, prompt engineers must adjust their prompts to suit the AI’s context and capabilities.

Breaking Down Problems

One of the core competencies of a good teacher is the ability to break down larger problems into smaller, more manageable parts. This skill is essential in both teaching and prompt engineering.

In education, teachers:

  • Scaffold Learning: They provide a structured approach to learning by breaking down lessons into step-by-step instructions. This helps students build upon their knowledge progressively.
  • Prompt and Prime: Teachers use prompts and guiding questions to encourage critical thinking and problem-solving. They prime students to think in certain ways that help them arrive at solutions independently.

In prompt engineering, these skills translate to:

  • Creating Step-by-Step Prompts: Effective prompt engineers break down complex tasks into a series of simpler prompts that guide the AI through the problem-solving process.
  • Guiding AI Responses: By structuring prompts in a way that primes the AI to generate specific types of responses, prompt engineers can effectively control and refine the output.

Mangahigh’s Prodigi Activities: A Scaffolded Approach

Mangahigh’s Prodigi activities are designed with a scaffolded approach, similar to how teachers structure their lessons. These activities guide students through a series of progressively challenging tasks, providing prompts and hints along the way. This method ensures that students build their understanding step-by-step, reinforcing their learning at each stage.

  • Priming and Prompting: Just like prompt engineering, Prodigi activities use priming and prompting to lead students towards the correct answers. This helps in developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Incremental Learning: By breaking down complex math problems into smaller, more digestible parts, Prodigi activities enable students to grasp concepts gradually and solidify their understanding over time.

ChatGPT and Growth Mindset in Teaching

Using ChatGPT in teaching aligns closely with the principles of developing a growth mindset. A growth mindset, as popularized by Carol Dweck, is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. This concept is deeply embedded in the workflow of effective teaching and prompt engineering.

  • Encouraging Exploration: Just as teachers encourage students to explore and learn from their mistakes, prompt engineers refine their prompts based on the AI’s responses, learning and improving continuously.
  • Iterative Improvement: Both teaching and prompt engineering involve iterative processes where feedback is used to enhance performance. Teachers adjust their methods based on student progress, while prompt engineers tweak their prompts to get better AI outputs.


Teachers possess innate skills that make them excellent prompt engineers. Their ability to communicate effectively, break down complex problems, and use a scaffolded approach to guide learning are all directly applicable to prompt engineering. Platforms like Mangahigh, with their structured and interactive learning activities, embody these principles, making them powerful tools for both teachers and students.

By leveraging their existing skills and integrating AI tools like ChatGPT, teachers can enhance their teaching methodologies, promote a growth mindset, and prepare their students for a future where AI and human intelligence work hand-in-hand.

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