How do I view and download reports?

School and Class Level Reports
  1. Click the school name or class name in the upper left corner of the page then select the class or whole school
  2. Click Reports
  3. Click the date range displayed above the report tiles to change it
  4. Click on the report you'd like to view
  5. Drill down further by clicking on class and student names in the panel on the right
  6. Click the 3 dots at the top right of the screen to download a printable report

Individual Student Level Reports
  1. Click the white arrowhead at the top left of the screen and select your class from the list
  2. Click Reports
  3. Click the student icon at the top right of the screen, then select the student's name from the list
  4. Select the period you'd like to view via the arrowhead at the right of the screen
  5. Click on the report you'd like to view, then on the 3 dots to download a printable report

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