Class Opener/Whole Class Activity

You can use Mangahigh to bring 21st century learning into your class even if you do not have 1:1 computers or tablets for students. 

Projecting Mangahigh challenges for students to work through while sitting on the rug or at their desks is a great way to weave digital tools into your lessons. All Prodigi question sets are 10 questions long and will adapt in difficulty as your work through them. 
  1. Display a Prodigi challenge - Find the challenge then click PLAY
  2. Distribute mini whiteboards (or make them using heavy paper and sheet protectors), dry erase markers, and erasers to students
  3. Display questions, allowing groups sufficient think time 
    Allow students to work in pairs as you project the questions
  4. Ask all students to hold whiteboards up to show their work and solution to you 
  5. Select a few interesting strategies for students to share out with the group
  6. Encourage mathematical discussions to focus on communicating the problem solving process
  7. Reach consensus on the correct answer or vote on the correct answer if consensus is not reached
  8. Review the stepped-out solutions at the end of the Prodigi for questions missed
  9. Celebrate mistakes and take advantage of a teachable moment to help students work through misconceptions
    Use growth mindset language to encourage productive struggle  

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