The Leaderboard

Medals earned by students of all ages and abilities count equally towards the school total for that competition.

The competitions do not require any set up from teachers and simply rely on the mathematical activity your students would normally be engaged with as part of their ongoing learning.
  1. Monthly leaderboard - your school will be competing against all the other schools in your country/region
    1. Every time a student masters a new activity they earn medal points. Bronze (1 point), Silver (2 points), Gold (3 points)
    2. Your school is ranked in real time on the school leaderboard based on the total points earned by your students
    3. At any one time, your school may be competing on a monthly leaderboard, or on a special seasonal leaderboard
  2. Seasonal competitions - we run special 1 or 2 week competitions for specific parts of the world at certain times of the year, e.g. Halloween in USA, Diwali in India and many more. Teachers are notified of these competitions via eMail and receive a message via the in-app chat
  3. Fai-To - This is our bilateral school competition where 2 schools go head to head over a few days to see who can earn the most medal points

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