Spiralling Instruction with Mangahigh

Updated by Michelle

Spiralling instruction is an educational practice and approach to curriculum design that revisits key concepts, skills, and topics repeatedly over time at increasing levels of complexity. This method contrasts with traditional block or linear curriculum models, where subjects are taught in discrete, often non-recurring blocks that progress in a straight line.

Key Features of Spiralling Instruction

  1. Revisiting Content: Unlike linear learning models, spiralling curriculum returns to the same topics periodically throughout the course or across grade levels. Each revisit expands on the previous content, broadening and deepening students' knowledge and understanding.
  2. Increasing Complexity: Each time a topic is revisited, the complexity of information and the difficulty of skills involved increase. This approach helps to consolidate learning as students build upon a reinforced foundation.
  3. Interleaving Topics: Spiralling often involves interleaving, where multiple subjects or strands of learning are mixed, enhancing retention and understanding. This contrasts with blocked practice, which focuses on one topic at a time to mastery before moving on.
  4. Continuous Review and Reinforcement: Regular revisits ensure continuous engagement with all key topics, preventing the common problem of "learning decay" where learned knowledge is forgotten after moving on to other topics.
  5. Integrated Learning: Spiralling allows for the integration of different disciplines or areas of study, showing students the interconnectedness of knowledge and helping them to see practical applications of their learning.

Benefits of Spiralling Instruction

  • Improved Retention: Frequent revisits bolster memory retention and help embed knowledge more deeply.
  • Enhanced Understanding: Gradually increasing complexity allows for a more thorough understanding, as students have time to assimilate and link new information with old.
  • Greater Engagement: The varied and dynamic nature of spiralling keeps lessons fresh and students intellectually engaged.
  • Adapts to Learning Paces: The recurring nature of spiralling can better accommodate different learning speeds, giving students multiple chances to grasp and master concepts.
  • Builds Connections: By revisiting topics in different contexts, students can develop a robust network of knowledge connections, enhancing their problem-solving skills and ability to apply knowledge in varied situations.


  • Curriculum Design: Designing a spiralling curriculum requires careful planning to balance content revisit and progressive complexity appropriately.
  • Assessment Strategies: Traditional assessment models may not align well with spiralling instruction, requiring educators to adapt or redesign assessment methods to suit the cyclical nature of learning.

Spiralling instruction, when implemented effectively, offers a dynamic and robust approach to education that can significantly enhance learning outcomes by addressing the cumulative and interconnected nature of knowledge. It's particularly popular in mathematics and language curriculums but is increasingly applied across disciplines for its broad educational benefits.

How can Mangahigh help?

Mangahigh, with its vast array of interactive games and activities tailored for various mathematical concepts, serves as an excellent resource for implementing a spiralling instructional approach in curriculum design. This approach involves revisiting concepts periodically at increasing levels of complexity, and Mangahigh's structured yet flexible platform can significantly facilitate this process. Here's how Mangahigh can be integrated into a spiralling curriculum design:

1. Wide Range of Topics and Levels of Difficulty

Mangahigh offers activities across a broad spectrum of mathematical topics, from basic arithmetic to complex algebra and geometry. Each topic can be explored at different levels of difficulty, which aligns perfectly with the spiralling approach that requires revisiting topics with increasing complexity.

  • Initial Introduction: Early on, students might engage with introductory games and quizzes that cover fundamental concepts in a straightforward manner.
  • Subsequent Revisits: Later, the same topics can be revisited with games that incorporate more complex problems or integrate these topics with other areas of mathematics, enhancing depth and understanding.

2. Adaptive Learning Technology

Mangahigh’s adaptive technology assesses student performance and adjusts the difficulty of tasks accordingly. This feature supports the spiralling model by ensuring that when concepts are revisited, they are presented at the appropriate level of challenge based on the student’s current understanding and past performance.

  • Personalized Learning Paths: As students progress, Mangahigh can suggest increasingly challenging activities that build on prior knowledge, reinforcing old concepts through new, more complex challenges.

3. Engagement Through Interactive Content

The interactive nature of Mangahigh’s games and activities helps maintain student engagement—a key element in the spiralling approach, where maintaining interest over multiple revisits to the same content can be challenging.

  • Variety and Motivation: The gamified learning environment keeps the revisits fresh and exciting, helping to reinforce learning without it feeling repetitive.

4. Integration with Classroom Instruction

Mangahigh can be seamlessly integrated into classroom teaching plans, providing a digital extension that complements and reinforces traditional teaching methods.

  • In-Class and Homework Use: Teachers can use Mangahigh activities both as in-class teaching aids and as homework assignments, allowing for continuous interaction with mathematical concepts outside the classroom.

5. Immediate Feedback and Assessment

Immediate feedback provided by Mangahigh’s activities helps students understand their mistakes and learn the correct concepts promptly. This is crucial for the spiralling approach, where misconceptions addressed promptly can prevent compounded errors in future revisits.

  • Data-Driven Insights: Teachers receive detailed reports on student performance, which can guide future revisits to topics and ensure that instruction is appropriately challenging.

6. Curriculum Mapping

Mangahigh’s comprehensive curriculum alignment makes it easy for educators to plan their spiralling curriculum by clearly mapping out which games and activities fit with specific curriculum standards and objectives.

  • Strategic Planning: Teachers can strategically select Mangahigh resources that align with their long-term educational goals, ensuring that all necessary topics are covered repeatedly and progressively throughout the course.

Measuring Success in a Spiralling Framework Using Mangahigh

The success of using Mangahigh within a spiralling curriculum can be measured through:

  • Improved Test Scores: Longitudinal tracking of students’ performance on standardized tests can help measure the impact of a spiralling approach supported by Mangahigh.
  • Enhanced Engagement Metrics: Higher levels of student engagement and lower rates of dropout or class skipping can indicate successful curriculum implementation.
  • Feedback Loops: Continuous feedback from students about their learning experiences can provide qualitative data that informs the effectiveness of the approach.

Mangahigh’s features make it an invaluable tool for schools adopting a spiralling instructional approach. By allowing for differentiated, engaging, and progressive learning experiences, it supports the dynamic revisiting of content essential for deep mathematical understanding and skill mastery.

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