Learning mathematics through game play - it's a game changer!
Published October 17, 2023
Imagine a world where learning maths feels like playing a game - where students are not just solving word problems, but having fun while doing it. That’s the power of the Mangahigh platform. Teachers will see a modernised version of a traditional quiz format - in-built adaptivity and blend a games-based learning theory, to empower students to learn more, and remember more.

True games-based learning is more than just entertainment; it’s a game-changer in mathematics education. Mangahigh helps engage students, but focuses their time and energy on mastering mathematics skill levels - not building Avatars. This means more learning where they build deep understanding with word problems.
Start by swapping out 1 lesson per week, with activities on Mangahigh. Simply reach out to us at support@mangahigh.com to help get your students and teacher accounts setup.
Try it for yourself! Visit www.mangahigh.com/games and start exploring today.