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Contact Us | Getting Started - for teachers | How do I login to Mangahigh?
New to Mangahigh
Getting Started - for teachers
Getting Started - for students
Preparing for new academic year
Achievements, Data and Reports
Recognition certificates for students
Kickstart 2024 with Mathematics Mastery!
Why Supplementing Your Textbook with Mangahigh Can Transform Mathematics Education
Announcing the Mathematics Rockstars Challenge 2024: An Exclusive Competition for Australia and New Zealand Schools
Elevate Mathematics Enthusiasm with In-School Class vs. Class Competitions Using Mangahigh
MangaMathSpark Problem: Black Friday Sale
How does AI (artificial intelligence) recommendations work?
Unleashing the Power of 3: Elevating Learning Through Adaptive Activities
Learning mathematics through game play - it's a game changer!
MangaMathSpark Problem: Valentine's Day Chocolate Box Challenge
Mastering Quadratic Factorization: Common Challenges and Effective Strategies
Winners of NA Math Madness Rally 2023 announced
What's your (math) aura?
Winner of Mangahigh Maths Week England Challenge 2023 Announced
Skills revision for NAPLAN 2024
Learn Transformation Geometry with Mangahigh's 'Transtar'
Unraveling the Mysteries of Angles with Mangahigh's "A Tangled Web"
Creative Problem Solving Task using ChatGPT - Prompts to create a Lesson Plan
Embracing Mistakes: How Mangahigh Transforms Errors into Learning Opportunities
Mathematics Teachers: The Real-Life Spy Agents for Our Students
The Renaissance of Explicit Instruction in Mathematics Teaching
Mastering the Times Table
Embracing Differentiation: How Mangahigh Customizes Learning for Every Student
Unlocking Efficiency in the Classroom: How Mangahigh's Automated Grading and Feedback Saves Teachers Time
Save time: Efficient lesson planning with Mangahigh
Addressing Mathematics Challenges in Upper Primary School
Effective Mathematics Homework: Goals, Outcomes, and Technology Integration
Unlocking Memory: The Science Behind Learning and Retention with Mangahigh
Unraveling the FDP Challenge: Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages
Power of Dopamine: The Neuroscience Behind Effective Learning Through Games
Mastering Multiplication: How Mangahigh Transforms Times Table Learning with Jetstream Riders, Sundae Times, and Prodigi Activities
Prepare For Scratch Coding With Mangahigh's Computational Thinking Activities
Celebrating Effort Over Outcomes: How Active Time Tracking on Mangahigh Enhances Mathematics Learning
Spiralling Instruction with Mangahigh
Celebrating the Triumph of the Maths Superhero Challenge at Knights of Knowledge International School
Closing The Gap Games Based Digital Math Resource Implementation - for US Schools
Mangahigh Celebrates Inclusion in the TIME Magazine Top 250 EdTech Companies List of 2024
Revolutionising Education with Mangahigh: Inspired by Alpha School’s AI Success
Teachers as Future Builders: Preparing Students for Roles like Prompt Engineers
Why Teachers Make Great Prompt Engineers: A Deep Dive
The Power of Estimation: Building Crucial Math Skills with Mangahigh
Embracing the Future: Adaptive Learning with AI at Mangahigh
The Power of Memory and Retention in Mathematics: Understanding and Enhancing Learning
Gamification in Mathematics Learning: A Pathway to Growth, Not Just Play
Celebrating Our Winners: ANZ Maths Rockstars Challenge 2024
Blended Learning: How Mangahigh Complements Traditional Classroom Instruction
Game Guides
Numeracy Skills with 'Jetstream Riders'
Geometry Skills with 'Pyramid Panic'
Linear Equations with 'Graphs of the Galaxy'
Order of Operations with 'RoboOps'
Function Machines with 'Bubble Function'
Inequalities using 'Deepest Ocean'
Transformation using 'Transtar'
Advanced Addition using 'Beavers Build It!'
Ordering Fractions, Decimals and Percentages using 'Flower Power'
Estimation using 'Ice Ice Maybe'
Place Value with 'Little Rain Cloud'
Number line with 'Piñata Fever'
Prime Factorisation using 'Sigma Prime'
Introduction to Coding with 'Slime Studio'
Negative Numbers with 'Minus Miners'
Mental Maths Skills using 'Sundae Times'
Geometry using 'A Tangled Web'
Quadratic Factorisation with 'Wrecks Factor'
Algebra with 'Jabara'
Worksheets for Game: Flower Power
Worksheets for Basic Angles with A Tangled Web
NAPLAN Toolkit for Australian students
Mathematics Mastery with Mangahigh
Mathematics Library
Math Posters
Model lessons
Game Posters
Classroom Posters
Download a Certificate for Top 10 in School or Class
Additional Certificates - Gold, Silver, Bronze and Effort
Parent Engagement
Medal system
Student Online Permission Form for Parents
Mathematics Lessons by our Lead Teacher
untitled article
Lesson Plans
Teaching Strategies
Flipped Classroom Model
Flexible (Agile) Teaching - Lesson Structure
Gamification & Game Based Learning
Teaching with Mangahigh: a structure
Best Practices
Blended Lesson
Student Reflection Sheets
Exit Ticket
Distance Learning: 15-Minute Online Lesson
Teaching Strategies for Distance Learning
Class Opener/Whole Class Activity
Distance Learning: 30-Minute Online Lesson
Distance Learning: Whole Class Online Lesson
Distance Learning: Homework only
Centers & Learning Stations
Train the Trainer
Facilitate a Training at Your School
Minus Miners - Teacher Upskill Session
PINATA FEVER - Teacher Upskill Session
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked questions
How do I get student accounts?
How do I create login details for my students?
Can someone at Mangahigh help me create student accounts?
How do I create class invite link?
How do students use class invite link?
How do I print student login cards?
How do I Find, Edit & Download Student Logins
How do I edit student account?
How do I validate my student's name?
How do I add or change teacher accounts?
How do I Differentiate Teaching and Learning using Mangahigh?
Edit, Reassign, or Delete Assignments
How do I Add, Move, or Remove a Student from Class
Sending messages to my students
Set Up Classes and Accounts
How do I set Curriculum Focus for my class?
How do I create sub-groups for my class?
How do I Edit Class Name or Delete a Class?
Can I Locate, Archive & Restore Student Account?
How do I find activities on Mangahigh?
How do I preview activities before assigning?
How do I assign activities?
How do I assign activities to other or multiple classes?
How do I assign activities to one or more students?
How do I assign games?
How do I Assign Challenge/Activity to One or More Classes?
How do I delete or modify assignments?
What are notifications?
Bronze, Silver, & Gold Medals
What Data and Reports are available?
Can I Turn Off the Prodigi Question Timer?
Can I restrict my students access to just my assigned activities?
How do I view and download reports?
How do I use the Class Assignments Data?
How do I use the Assignment report?
How do I access and use the Assignment Grid View?
How do I use the Curriculum Report?
How do I use the Achievement report?
How do I use the Effort report?
How do I use the Independent Activities Report?
District Data Dashboard
Can I access student certificates?
How does Prodigi work?
How does Mangahigh align to the Growth Mindset approach?
"I'm New" to Mangahigh - Introductory Tutorials for AU, NZ and Asia Teachers
How do I print my students' logins?
How do students access their curriculum focus activities?
How does Mangahigh support assessment?
Who were the winners of the ANZ August Maths Month 2023?
Are there any NAPLAN activities for Australian students?
How do I add a Mangahigh shortcut to my desktop?
Can I teach the new New South Wales Maths syllabus with Mangahigh?
How do I add Mangahigh to my home screen?
Who were the winners of Maths Week Scotland 2023?
Does Mangahigh support the National Numeracy Learning Progression in Australia?
How do I clear cache on my device?
Rule of 3s
How do I login to Mangahigh?
Is there a Quick Start Guide?
What's covered in the Year 3 NAPLAN Skills Revision module?
What's covered in the Year 5 NAPLAN Skills Revision module?
What's covered in the Year 7 NAPLAN Skills Revision module?
What's covered in the Year 9 NAPLAN Skills Revision module?
Webinar: Getting Started in 2021
WEBINAR: Neuroscience of Learning (23rd January, 2021)
Webinar: Data and Analytics for Distance Learning
Webinar: Elementary Office Hours - Using Mangahigh with Distance Learning
Webinar: Dr. Valerie Jones, Ron Clark Academy - Using Mangahigh for Distance Learning
Webinar: Middle School Office Hours - Using Mangahigh for Remote Learning
Webinar: Best Practices Using Mangahigh for Students
Webinar: Using MH for Middle School with Erik Moll
WEBINAR: NAPLAN Preparation with Mangahigh
WEBINAR: Preparing for the May Maths Competition 2021 (Australasia)
Events and Competitions
May 2024 - Global Leaderboard
April 2024 - Global Leaderboard
March 2024 - Global Leaderboard
February 2024 - Global Leaderboard
January 2024 - Global Leaderboard
The Leaderboard
Run a Class vs Class Mental Maths Mastery (and Times Table) Competition
May 2021 - Maths Quest for Australia and New Zealand
M-Fluencers Maths Quest
Distance Learning for students impacted by COVID-19
Winners of the Mangahigh Middle East Superhero Math Challenge - May 2024
June 2024 - Mangahigh Mathematics Global Leaderboard
Curricula Alignment
Curricula & Standard Alignment
Research Based
Growth Mindset
Mangahigh's Artificial Intelligence
Mangahigh's Gamification of Learning
The Research Behind Mangahigh
Case Studies
Helping students believe that talents can be developed
Educator Stories
New Indian Model School, Dubai
Leasyl Richards -- Wheelers Hill Primary School, Victoria Australia
Ms. Sheeja P R -- SNS Academy, Coimbatore, India -- COVID 19 Impact
Kiran Bhalodia -- The Galaxy Education System
Simone Meagher -- Coburg West Primary School, Victoria Australia
Case Study: New Indian Model School's Innovative Approach to Math Learning with Mangahigh
Dr. S.P. Thenmozhi -- Kovai Vidyashram, Coimbatore, India -- COVID 19 Impact
Professor M M Pant -- IGNOU, IIT Kanpur, University of Western Ontario
Sunny Thakral -- The British School, New Delhi -- COVID-19 impact
Contact Us and Technical Support
Contact Us
Contact Us - Australia and New Zealand
Technical requirements
Device Specifications
Using Google Classroom with Mangahigh
Mangahigh Software License Agreement
Learn how to navigate your Mangahigh teacher platform
7 articles by 1 author
Ideas to a world where mathematics learning isn't a chore
44 articles by 1 author
Operational instructions to help you succeed in navigating Mangahigh games
19 articles by 2 authors
Printable materials to support blended learning
4 articles by 1 author
Mathematics posters, worksheets, problem solving tools and parent engagement ideas
21 articles by 1 author
Best practice ideas to extend and transform teaching with technology
16 articles by 2 authors
Up-skill your team in their use of Mangahigh
3 articles by 2 authors
Find answers to the most commonly asked questions
63 articles by 2 authors
10 articles by 1 author
Accelerate students' learning using events and competitions
12 articles by 1 author
Curricula alignment documents
1 article by 1 author
Learn about the research behind Mangahigh
6 articles by 1 author
Interview stories and testimonials from teachers
9 articles by 1 author
Support to ensure everything runs smoothly when using Mangahigh with your students